Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mega Miniatures now owns the rights to Alpha Forge Minis

I have a number of miniatures - some salvage trucks, Demolition robots, Hydrissian pieces, Mephalian pieces, robots, and some of the ganger miniatures.  I recently decided to try to buy some more robots so I went in search of a place to purchase them on the internet.  I found that Mega Miniatures now owns the molds of the Alpha Forge line and, in fact, has the rules and supplements as free downloads.  Go check them out if you have not already.  I highly recommend the Alpha Forge miniatures and Mega Miniatures as well.

The molds and the rights have been sold by Mega Miniatures, but I am unsure who has them.  Supposedly, someone bought the miniatures to augment his or her game which will eventually be released.

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