A few years ago I came across the Alpha Forge website and was impressed by the Salvage Dog Truck. I searched the internet and found good prices on the line of miniatures at a hobby shop named "The Basement" I believe - the shop has gone out of business since. I ordered a Salvage Crew special and an extra truck and some other things but was unsure of the length of time I would have to wait for my order. I decided to try to scratch build a truck while I was waiting.
The tools needed for this project are a razor saw, a hobby knife, and a steel ruler.
The Project
I removed the cab of the truck and the "hitch" on the back of the chassis, and removed the rear wheels of the truck. I shortened the Mega Blok track by removing the middle section and glued the two ends to make my tracks using styrene cement.
Once I had gotten my tracks securely glued together, I cut the tracks down the middle lengthwise and attached the product to the chassis of the truck.
I built up the cab of the truck using sheet plastic and used a piece of Plastruct to make the drivers window. I then used the hub caps and wheel rims off of the old model car to make the two hatches. I used a piece of sprue to make the gun ring on the top of the cab and attached the modified GW machine gun to the top.
I cut the ends of the dump truck bed and attached the GW Truk end to one end and I cut and attached a piece of sheet plastic to the other end.
By the time my package arrived, I had already finished the scratch built salvage truck. I quickly assembled a Salvage Truck from the order and was pleased with the result. The two trucks were quite compatible and I thought that for the very small investment the truck I had scratch built was a very good project.