I really liked the original idea for the Orks in Rogue Trader. I thought that the clan idea with each clan having some benefit was really good. I still paint and convert my Ork miniatures so that I have different clans. With this urge to convert and paint Orks in such a way and with the newer, larger Orks that Games Workshop is producing these days, I decided to upgrade some of my Ork Boarboyz.
The tools needed to complete this conversion are a modeling knife, a razor saw, pin vice and drill bits, and a file.
The materials you will need are the Boarboy legs ( I have used Nobz legs for this conversion), a plastic torso, a plastic Ork head, an Ork right arm with pistol, a grenade arm (I have used a metal grenade arm but the plastic ones will work well also), the business end of an axe arm, pinning wire, super glue, and styrene cement.
When I do a conversion, I keep the parts that I remove for later use. In this conversion, I had to remove the grenade from the left arm. In a future conversion, I will use the removed grenade to finish a product. I also will be using the remaining torso from the Boarboy to make a Boarboy Yoof.